Momma Said That’s Life

All my growing up years, and to this day, I’ve heard my Momma say, “That’s life”. Those words usually came after some disappointment or wondering about uncertainty of what is to come.

How many times do you hear people say, “ That’s Life” when things are not going well?

Tough day at work. That’s life.
Flat tire. That’s life.
Illness. That’s life.
While that is part of life, it’s not all of life. There’s so much more.
Life is also:
Building a family.
Being involved in your children’s lives.
Watching your children grow into adults and be successful.
Growing old(er) with your spouse.
Doing meaningful work.
Watching the birds outside my window.
Eyeing the squirrel as he tries to leap his way to the birdfeeder.
Knowing that I made a difference today.
Cooking adventurous meals for my family and watching the look on their face as they enjoy it.

I’ve been through many difficulties in my life. Breast cancer at 30 and again at 34. The death of my father. Many hard situations at work as a nurse and as a leader wondering if the job was worth it.

At the end of the day, the good outweighs the bad and I’m thankful for the journey. Who am I today is a compilation of all of life – the challenges, the moments of joy, the moments of grief, the adventure, and the serendipity.

I know from experience and in my heart, truly That’s Life.

1 Comment

  • Mae Williams Posted September 1, 2017 10:20 pm

    That is life that is a great what we have learn through life has made us better

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